24 January 2017

Japan Day 9 - Kawaguchiko (till afternoon) & Akibahara

Day 9

Woke up early in the morning to catch the first bus to the Natural Living Centre (last stop on the red line bus service), keeping my hopes high to see Mt. Fuji today. I’m thankful to myself that I planned an overnight stay in Kawaguchiko, else I would not have the chance to view it.

I know I was in luck when this was the view while walking to the bus stop.

Arrived! Beautiful sight with the Lavender in the foreground

Close up shot

After absorbing the sights, I went to take the Kachi Kachi ropeway, a cable-car ride up a viewing gallery overlooking Lake Kawaguchiko and Mt. Fuji.

On the ride up, was pretty quick to reach the top, probably 2 to 3 mins.

Panoramic view at the viewing gallery

Can’t resist taking pictures of it, just too magnificent

As time is running out (my bus back to Shinjuku is departing at 1340), I went back down to have my lunch before collecting my luggage from my hostel. The sky was so clear that day that Mt. Fuji was in sight everywhere!

Lunch was a tempura restaurant rated number 1 in trip advisor, Fuji Tempura Idaten. It was pretty good for the price.

It was then time to head back to the busy Shinjuku!

For my last 2 nights, I stayed in Nishitetsu Inn Shinjuku hotel. I wouldn’t recommend this hotel as it is quite a walk from Shinjuku station! Room was really small which is normal for Tokyo hotels.

Headed to Akihabara after settling down, by then it was evening time. Settled for a quick dinner at Mcd and tried the famous Pablo cheese tart! Queue was pretty long but fast moving.

Fresh cheese tarts being prepared

The tarts were delicious! But they can only last for 6 hours without fridge and 3 days in the fridge, I was unable to bring them back to SG :(

I then had a quick walk around Akihabara, mainly selling anime stuff which I wasn’t really interested in.

Lots of “maids” inviting you to their cafes

And the shops were closing by 9:30PM! That’s the end of the day. The next day would be the last full day for me in Tokyo where I headed to Asakusa and Ginza.

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