24 January 2017

Japan Day 10 - Asakusa & Ginza and Day 11 - Bye Japan

Day 10

Alright! My last full day in Japan was spent in Asakusa and Ginza!

And of course, the first place to visit in Asakusa was the famous Sensoji temple.

And as usual in all touristy places, there were HEAPS of people!

Lots of people going near the incense to take in some… I suppose it brings good luck or something. I’d gladly avoid it though

I also drew a lot at the temple to see my luck

Awesome! I got a “Best Fortune” lot!

Pretty cool japanese slippers that they were selling around the streets near the temple.

And some random street shots

I also had this melon pan bread… I expected to have some melon taste but all I’ve tasted was just sugar. Pretty disappointed.

Saw this snaking queue but have no idea what they were selling. But something with long queue means it must be good! I decided to check it out.

There’s nothing in English on the menu and so I just had the default one, some sort of meat croquette. It was pretty good! I guess it would be better if the weather was cold.

And also the awesome Don Quijote store in Asakusa… This chain of stores can be found practically everywhere and they are always more than 8 storeys tall selling a wide range of things!

Pretty cool street performer near the Don Quijote store.

Time check when I was done with Asakusa: 1PM. With nothing more planned for the day, I decided to head to Ginza. Read that they have a whole Sony building there and hence that was the first place in Ginza I checked out. It was really cool as they also had 1 floor that featured all their prototype products! Was also thinking of buying a new camera there but unfortunately the prices are way higher than in Singapore. Their showroom as below

There was also some exclusive place for Sony members to try out their new Virtual Reality gaming.

I was also lucky to come here on a Sunday as they close the street for pedestrians! 

Besides human, there were also other species shopping around Ginza.

Read on trip advisor that the food section of Isetan there was awesome, and indeed it was! There was a wide range of food there, especially the pretty pastries! I bought myself some rice ball with a whole egg inside. Best I’ve ever tried.

Nothing else there was really eventful though, being an upmarket shopping district and I did not have any interest in buying branded goods. Ended the night buying requested items for friends. Last nice coffee in Tokyo before heading home the next day.

Day 11

My last meal in Haneda airport

The small entertainment system in the JAL plane! I guess its a relatively old plane.

With that, I ended my trip in Japan. Goodbye Japan!

Until next time, Japan! Some after thought is that I’ll probably not travel solo the next time I come to Japan. Best to have a companion to share the good food (so that a variety can be tried) and definitely cost will be lower. Its a nice, clean and safe place to travel to and I’ll definitely re-visit to the less touristy places!

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