18 December 2016

Japan Day 4 - Kyoto - Arashiyama (Togetsukyo Bridge, Bamboo forest & Tenryuji Temple) and Kinkaku-ji temple

Day 4 

Headed to Arayashima for day 4!

On the way to my first stop, Togetsukyo Bridge. Whole stretch of touristy shops for you to buy souvenirs.

Finally reached the bridge, lots of people taking picture with it.

Lots of nice and interesting restaurants.

Also have many hunks providing trishaw services, heard it's not cheap. Think its like 8,000 yen for 30 mins?

Then went to the Tenryuji Temple. Had to pay 500 or 600 yen for the entry.

Internal shots of the temple.

Resting point for visitors.

View from the resting point.

Went on to the bamboo forest (very difficult to get a shot without people).

Walked pass a cemetery while exiting this bamboo forest.

Was about 2PM when I was done walking. Decided to have lunch at a random shop on the way to the next temple, Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion).

The walls are literally gold! Really mesmerising.

Detailed shot of the temple.

Some candles there for you to buy and pray.

Headed back to rest after that, it had been a long day with lots of walking!

That’s the end of Kyoto! Osaka next (my least favourite of all places).

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