16 March 2017

York, England

We bought the train tickets from London King's Cross Station to York Station. The journey was about 2hr 30 mins. 

York is a small city that is only approximately 279km² which is even smaller than Singapore! 2 days trip in York should be able to cover most of the attractions. A lot of people were shocked when we said we were staying for 4 days (we were taking it easy). 

Here is my suggested itinerary for York.

Day 1 - York Minster, The Shambles, York Castle Museum and Clifford's Tower (York's Chocolate Story or National Railway Museum if there is enough time)

York Minster
York Minster (or Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York) is one of the largest gothic cathedral in Northern Europe. Its history begins way back to 627AD and has been rebuild few times since then. Visitors are allowed to explore the Minster at £10 (adults) or climb up the tower (with 275 steps) at £5 (adults) to the highest point in York or just for services. 

The stained glass inside the Minster.

The Shambles
The Shambles is one of the old street in York which has overhanging timber-framed buildings and narrow lanes. It used to be a street of butchers’ shops and houses where the meats were hung at the shop front. The streets were made narrow to prevent exposure of the meat from direct sunlight.

This is one of the most popular streets in York.

The Shambles Market is next to the Shambles where you can do a little shopping.

Clifford's Tower and York Castle Museum 
Further down the Shambles is Clifford's Tower which is the remains of York Castle originally built by William the Conqueror. It is on a hill and you can enter the tower for £4.70 (adult). The York Castle Museum is directly opposite Clifford's Tower. 

York Chocolate Story
If you still have some time after York Castle Museum, you can drop by York Chocolate Story for a tour (£11.50 adult) on history of chocolates. Last tour is at 4pm. Alternatively, you can grab a cup of hot chocolate to keep you warm.

There are a lot of chocolate for sale too.

Day 2 - City Walls Walk and National Railway Museum

City Walls Walk
What is better than taking a short walk around York City Walls in the morning which had been protecting the city. The walk is about 3.4km and there are stories at each entrance of the walls. The walls is open from 8am to dusk.

Along the walls.

National Railway Museum
This is one of my favourite visit for the trip (because its cold outside) and its free! At first we were still deciding if we should visit the national railway museum but since it is ranked 1st in trip advisor and we had spare time (a lot). We decided to give it a try and ended up staying till the museum is closed!  

There are a lot of trains on display and write up about their history and information on the interior of the train.

You can even have a ride on the steam train.

Thats about it for my trip to York!

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