24 July 2016

Japan Day 2 - Harajuku, Shibuya

Day 2

First stop of the day, Harajuku!

No plans on where to go for breakfast, so I did a quick search on Trip Advisor for breakfast places nearby and this place caught my eye - Eggs ’N Things. Had a sudden crave for pancakes there and my order came out with 6 pieces, couldn't finish all of them :(

Check out their website here if you're interested in some American breakfast in Japan!

I ordered the Macadamia nut pancakes which was really just OK… Not that fantastic but portion was huge!

Headed for Yoyogi park and Meiji Shrine after that.

Yoyogi park
Address: 2-1 Yoyogikamizonocho, Shibuya, Tokyo 151-0052, Japan

A lot of people doing their things around the park, it was a nice walk with the cooling weather.

Meiji Shrine next

Meiji Shrine
Address: 1-1 Yoyogikamizonocho, Shibuya, Tokyo 151-8557, Japan

Barrels that contained sake for offering to the deities

You’ll need to cleanse your hands and mouth before entering the shrine

Lucky to also see a Japanese wedding photoshoot at the shrine

The shrine itself

Headed to Takeshita Street thereafter, the place for the latest fashion trend and cosplayers! It’s crazy crowded on a Saturday.

Lots of interesting shop for young people, unfortunately not for me. Though 1 place that interested me is the Calbee+ shop, where they fry the chips right in front of you and you can eat them immediately.

I bought the freshly fried fries stick (similar to Jagabee from Calbee where we can buy from the supermarkets)

Harajuku also popular for their crepes. I ordered one from Marion crepe, nothing to shout about though!

Next up, Shibuya! It’s really damn crazy lots of people.

The famous Hachiko statue

First view of Shibuya once u exit from the train station

Time-lapse of the famous Shibuya crossing which I took.

Read somewhere that there is an average of 5,000 people crossing this every time.

Settled for Genki Sushi for dinner.

Stay tuned for day 3 where I will head to Kyoto!

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