17 August 2015

Happy Birthday Singapore! SG50

Happy Birthday Singapore! 

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It is Singapore 50th birthday and SG50 Golden Jubilee long weekend. Lucky me, my friend gave me a ticket to attend the National Day Parade at the Floating platform.

This is the first time I attended the actual NDP. Although its just the LED screen at floating platform (actual performance is at Padang),  but there are quite a few highlights which you will be able to see from the float.

Before the parade started, the MC were trying to bring up the atmosphere and we started singing national day song. These songs we had been singing since we were young.

The parade started off with a tribute to our late former PM with videos and Black Knights’ five stars tribute aerial flypast.

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Close up pic of the Black Knights's 5 stars. 

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The marching segment started off with the vintage parade uniform march of the police, military etc when police still wearing shorts. Haha.

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Singapore Airlines (SIA) plane featuring a Singapore flag design flypast during the Singapore Girls on trishaw segment.

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This is the front view of the Airbus A380 (photo from Singapore Air). There are 2 SIA airbus A380 planes with the Singapore flag that will be flying to Hong Kong, London, Mumbai and various other major cities around the globe till end of the year. Hopefully I will be able to catch a glimpse of it. But I have no travel plan yet...

M3G Floating Bridge show case.

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The Presidential 21 Gun Salute by Singapore Artillery.

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State Flag flypast is a traditional which during the singing of the national anthem, staged by a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, escorted by two AH-64D Apache helicopters. Could not decide if I should stand at attention to sing the anthem or to take photo of the flag.

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20 RSAF’s F-16 finger jets formation of 50 flypast which represent our 50th birthday, SG50.

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I guess this is the main highlight of the aerial airshow. The Black Knights bomb burst and criss cross.

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F-15 flypast the Singapore Flyer.

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The Mobile Column which display strength, resillience and vigilance of our defence pillars. There are a total of 179 and they drive past from Padang to the float. Not sure if all the platform went to the float.

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You can check out the full 179 mobile column here. This was given to us as part of the funpack. 

This is one of my favourite photo. The view of Fullerton Hotel from the float with our Singapore flag. 

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And of course, the national day parade entered with the beautiful fireworks display. 

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Hopefully next year, I will get the chance to win the ballot for the NDP tickets! So I can get to celebrate the national birthday at the actual site. It is totally different from watching the parade at home. 

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