08 October 2015

Taiwan Trip Day 3 - Miyahara and Fantasy Story

Started day 3 with coffee from a random coffee house near La Vida Hotel. It look like some cozy cafe and we saw some people studying over there.

Strawberry Farm 台中草莓世界
Address: 台中市潭子區豐興路1段361號, Taichung, Taiwan 427

First stop of the day is the strawberry farm. Read from other blog that you can actually pick the strawberry and buy back the strawberry.

Took cab from La Vida Hotel and the trip took about 20 mins (NTD 200+). Reached there and could not find the place. Based on the address, it look like car workshop than strawberry. In the end the nice cab driver help us to call the owner based on the Facebook page.

Turn out the strawberry farm is closed till December 2015 :(

You can check out the Facebook page here or website here before going.

Since strawberry farm is closed. We took the cab direct to Miyahara Ophthalmology Department.

Miyahara Ophthalmology Department

Address: No. 20 Zhongshan Road, Taichung, Taiwan

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This building used to be an eye clinic and now it is selling ice cream. Tourist who came here are attracted by the interior design and of cos the ice cream.

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This is how the interior look like. The photo from taken from the 3rd level. There is a restaurant at 2nd level.

This is the queue for the ice cream. If I recalled correctly, the waiting time is quite fast. You can get the menu from the staff will queuing so you can decide which flavour you wish to order.

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The topping is free!!! Can choose up to 4 topping. 

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Ta-da! This is our ice cream. So pretty and yummy looking right. This place is worth the visit. I don't think we can find other places that sell ice cream like this.  Definitely worth the visit!

After our delicious ice cream, we went to Fantasy Story for lunch. 

Fantasy Story
Address: 13 Meicun Road Section 1 Lane 117

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This is a range of shophouses that converted to cafes and boutique shops. It was raining before we reached.

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Decided to have our lunch hecho. Was too hungry hence didn't took any picture of the cafe. Haha! But if you decided to do some cafe hopping in Tai Chung, this is the place. Check out the website for more details and direction if you are taking public transport!